Contact Us

Questions, comments, thoughts: please drop us an email. OpenMSI aims to serve the mass spectrometry imaging community with the best visualization and analysis tools. We would appreciate hearing your comments about areas you like and areas you think need improvement.

For questions about collaboration and using OpenMSI for your own research, please send us an email. We are eager to support scientists working on the most exciting research

OpenMSI is hosted on NERSC hardware. For live system status information, please refer to this link

Ben Bowen
Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
One Cyclotron Road
Mail Stop 977-180A
Berkeley, CA, 94720
P: (510) 486-5138

Oliver RĂ¼bel
Computational Research Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
One Cyclotron Road
Mail Stop 50F1650
Berkeley, CA, 94720
P: (510) 486-4064